So how do you truly understand the power of rest. Rest should equal restoration in seven key areas of your life.
First and foremost, we need physical rest which can be passive or active. Passive meaning sleeping or napping, while active physical rest means yoga, stretching, massage therapy etc
Mental rest means scheduling short breaks to occur every two hours throughout your day. These breaks remind you to slow down.
Sensory rest is a break from bright lights, computer screens, phone screens, background noise and multiple conversations whether in the office or on Zoom calls. Simply close your eyes for a minute and intentionally begin to undo the damage inflicted by the over stimulating world we live in.
Creative rest is especially important for anyone who must solve problems or brainstorm new ideas. Think about the first time you saw a waterfall, taking in the beauty of the outdoors, even the birds in your lovely garden, provides you with this rest but don’t forget the arts too, that may inspire you or resonate with you.
Emotional rest helps when we fail to differentiate between those relationships that revive us from those that exhaust us. Try and surround yourself with positive and supportive people, even if your interactions must occur virtually.
Spiritual rest which is the ability to connect beyond the physical and mental and where we feel a strong sense of belonging, love, acceptance and purpose. This would mean engaging in something greater than yourself and add prayer, meditation or community involvement in your daily routines.
Fatigue can also be associated with numerous health problems, so visit your GP if this persists.