Mind, Body, Spirit Wellness Festival


May 19, 2019


I shared a stand at the Mind, Body Spirit wellness festival at Gateway Wave Park, for the last four days with my colleagues in hypnosis, John Dutton, Petra Nichol and Leanne Pillay. We met some interesting people and it was wonderful to interact with visitors and those who showed an interest in hypnotherapy.

I gave a  talk at the festival and this focused on advising people that they could  have a positive experience with hypnosis. I did this by explaining what to look for when wanting to engage with a hypnotherapist. I also addressed a few common misperceptions about hypnosis and basically how hypnosis works. Lorraine, a client and friend, gave a short resume of her initial sceptism of hypnotherapy and subsequent experience of being hypnotised by me, after much convincing.

Our Hypnotherapy stand
John Dutton, Heather Fountain and Jackie Higham
James, Leanne, Heather and John
Heather speaking

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