Are you Carrying a Wounded Child?

Do you feel fearful, insecure, doubtful, shameful, lost, or lonely?

Do you suffer from low self-esteem, moodiness, or depression?

Are you an adult that is carrying a wounded inner child within?

As an adult, does that wounded child pop out or act out in childish ways; impulsively, impetuously, and aggressively?

Inner child work is one of the most healing and profound forms of inner work you can do.

If you are interested in welcoming home your inner child, I recommend reflecting on your own childhood and how you felt as a child.

Did you feel safe? Did you feel a sense of belonging in your family? Were you permitted to be you?

What is your current relationship like with your inner child?

All of these questions are extremely important to ask, and if you haven’t asked them yet, I hope you do. If you’d like to go deeper into this topic, I highly recommend reading John Bradshaw’s book on the inner child called Homecoming.

You can also contact me to help you heal your inner child wounds.